If there’s one type of CBD product that’s quickly becoming a staple among daily hemp users, it’s CBD softgels. CBD softgels are a great way to incorporate hemp compounds into your daily routine. They’re extremely easy to take, as they’re just like taking any other capsule. They contain a consistent dose of hemp extract, meaning that each day, you’ll know you’re getting the same exact amount of those wonderful hemp compounds that you know and love. And, many of them are made with advanced techniques that improve bioavailability, meaning that you’ll be absorbing as much hemp as possible into your body for a more potent and overall effective experience.

Today, we’ll be talking about how to ensure that you purchase the best CBD softgels for your needs. That means how they’re made, what makes them different from other types of delivery methods, and how to choose the best ones to have a highly successful hemp routine.
What are CBD Softgels?
CBD softgels are softgel capsules that contain hemp extract, as well as any other number of ingredients. Some softgel formulas contain only hemp extract, while others contain additional ingredients that aid in absorption, or add more useful plant properties to the formula. They’re taken daily, like all CBD products, and come in bottles containing various quantities, milligram strengths and more.
How are CBD Softgels Different from Other Types of CBD Products?
CBD softgels are taken orally, so they activate within the system in the same manner as edibles. This means that before they become active in the body, they must work their way through the digestive system and get processed by the liver. This may take up to two hours as this is a slower absorption method. But, they can provide active levels of hemp within the body for several hours.
What makes softgels unique from edible is that they tend to contain a more bioavailable hemp extract thanks to advanced nanotechnology techniques. A more bioavailable hemp extract will become active sooner, and be felt more potently in the body, because it’s more efficient at absorbing into the bodily system.
Another thing that makes softgels unique is that each dose contains the exact same amount of hemp extract. This means that you won’t have to measure or count out your daily intake.
How are CBD Softgels Made?
CBD softgels start with hemp extract, which is the extract made from the hemp plant material that’s rich in the compounds that we consider to be desirable. This hemp extract alone can be encapsulated, or it can be combined with other ingredients.
How Should CBD Softgels be Taken?
CBD softgels should be taken daily, because daily hemp consumption seems to be ideal for those who want to have the most effective CBD experience possible. The endocannabinoid system prefers to accumulate hemp before using it to its fullest potential throughout the body, so daily use is highly recommended.
CBD softgels can be taken along with your other daily capsules, and can be taken with or without food. You can take a dosage level that works for your needs. Most people find one per day is adequate, but others prefer to take multiple doses each day to sustain a relatively high level of hemp activation within the body during all hours of the day.
Can CBD Softgels Be Used with Another Delivery Method?
CBD softgels can be used with other delivery methods if you wish. In fact, many people take softgels daily, and also vape CBD, consume a tincture or use a topical as well. CBD is nontoxic, so you can take fairly high doses on a daily basis.
How Can I Know that a CBD Softgel Formula Can Meet My Needs?
So, what makes some softgel formulas better than others? Allow us to explain.
#1: The Company Itself
A CBD softgel formula can only be as effective if the quality of the hemp and other ingredients is high. So, look for a company with a reputation for producing high-quality CBD products, because too many companies try to get away with cheap ingredients and practices that reduce the effectiveness of the goods that they sell.
#2: Milligram Strength
The milligram strength refers to the potency level of each dose, so choose a milligram strength that best represents your needs and goals. Higher milligram strengths are more potent. Also, bear in mind that there is a correlation between your body weight and how high your milligram strength should be.
#3: Type of Hemp Extract
Choose whether you want a full spectrum, broad spectrum of CBD isolate formula. Full spectrum contains the full array of compounds in hemp, including the trace amount of THC. Broad spectrum is a THC-free alternative, and CBD isolate contains only CBD.
#4: Other Ingredients
Pay attention to the other ingredients in the formula as well, especially if you have an allergy or intolerance to certain ingredients commonly used in softgel formulas.
#5: Extraction Method Used to Make the Hemp Extract
The extraction method used to produce the hemp extract actually makes a big difference. Look for companies that use the CO2 extraction method, as this is ideal since it preserves the chemical structure and stability of each desirable compound in the hemp plant.
CBD Softgels at Extract Naturals
At Extract Naturals, we went above and beyond to produce the highest-quality, most bioavailable CBD softgel formula possible. Our formula is made with CO2-extracted, lab-tested hemp, and we’ve used nanotechnology to ensure a high absorption rate for a more effective experience overall.
Our CBD softgels are free of flavoring agents, filler ingredients and unnecessary additives. Additionally, our hemp extract has been shown to be free of impurities, meaning that you’ll enjoy a clean product without the toxins that are present in lower-quality hemp extracts.
Further, they give you so much more than just CBD. The hemp plant is rich in useful compounds, including additional cannabinoids, as well as terpenes and flavonoids, and a plethora of beneficial nutrients such as amino acids and fatty acids. Each compound in hemp offers unique properties to the body.
Check out our CBD softgels in order to take your CBD routine to a whole new level.