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Understanding the Endocannabinoid Systems in Humans and Their Pets


When we talk about the unique ways in which CBD works with the human body, we’re actually talking about the endocannabinoid system. This bodily system was only discovered within the last few decades, but already, a lot of research has been done on it in order to show what it’s capable of, especially when given doses of the cannabinoids found in the hemp plant.

One thing that we’re learning more about each day is the fascinating way in which CBD can interact with not just our own bodies, but those of our pets. That’s right – our cats and dogs seem to be fully capable of processing cannabinoids in a way that can potentially be quite useful to them. And so, unsurprisingly, the CBD industry is now producing lots of unique hemp-infused products specifically formulated for our furry friends.

So, what is the difference between the endocannabinoid system in humans and pets? And, what does this mean in terms of how we give them CBD compared to how we give it to ourselves? We’ll be getting into all of that very shortly, but first, we have to talk more about the specifics of the endocannabinoid system so that we can better understand the unique relationship between CBD and our bodies.

What is the Endocannabinoid System?

The endocannabinoid system is a bodily system that consists of cannabinoid receptors which are located all throughout the body. Though you may not have been aware, there are cannabinoid receptors in your skin, along your digestive tract, in your muscular tissue, in your brain, in your cardiovascular system and pretty much everywhere else.

These cannabinoid receptors desire one thing, and one thing only: cannabinoids. That’s because when these cannabinoid receptors receive cannabinoids, they can create chemical reactions which can help regulate their adjacent bodily processes. For instance, it’s believed that the endocannabinoid system has a lot to do with bodily processes such as mood, sleep, inflammation and more.

What’s interesting is that the endocannabinoid system seems to have the capability of producing its own cannabinoids. However, for some reason, most of us fail to produce enough internally to allow the endocannabinoid system to function at its highest potential.

Now, this is where the hemp plant comes in. The hemp plant is an excellent source of a wide array of cannabinoids, including CBD, CBN, CBC, CBG, THC and more. Each of these cannabinoids plays its own unique role as it can offer its individual properties to the endocannabinoid system. Of course, most of us focus all of our attention on CBD, which is largely due to the fact that it’s the most prominent cannabinoid in hemp. But, the reality is that it may be ideal to consume as broad a variety of cannabinoids as possible, since each one brings something unique to the table.

This is why you may wish to seek out broad or full spectrum hemp extracts, as they contain a multitude of cannabinoids in addition to CBD. This isn't to say that CBD isolate isn’t also useful, as some people find that consuming solely CBD helps them.

How is the Endocannabinoid System in Pets Different from the One in Humans?

What’s interesting about the endocannabinoid system is that it’s present in every mammal. This is why cats and dogs can also process CBD and other cannabinoids like we can. Now, before we go on, we do have to make one thing clear. If you’re going to be giving your pet CBD, two things are imperative. One is that you speak to your vet beforehand. The other is that you only purchase CBD products made for pets, for reasons which we are about to get into.

While cats, dogs, humans and all other mammals share an endocannabinoid system, our bodies are quite different from each other in terms of size and weight. This means that while humans can experience the most success with one range of potency, cats and dogs will do better with another. It should go without saying that when giving CBD to your pet, you want to make sure that you give them a milligram strength that’s suitable for their smaller body. Luckily, there are plenty of companies that make it easy for you to dose out the perfect amount for them.

If you’re still debating whether or not to give CBD to your pet, you can look for the numerous studies that have been going on recently that show the unique effects of hemp on cats and dogs. And, again, you can always ask your vet for more information, as it’s likely that they have at least been reading up on this new trend.

All that being said, when it comes to CBD, whether for your pet or for you, you need to go about choosing the right product. This doesn’t just mean seeking out a high-quality product from a trusted brand, although that is incredibly important. It also means finding a product formula that works with the unique mechanisms and chemistry of your or your pet’s body.

See, the reason why there is such a diverse array of CBD products out there is because it seems that everyone’s endocannabinoid system is unique. Some people find more success with one delivery method over the others. And, some people find more success with one variety of cannabinoids compared to another. When it comes to CBD, it’s about trial and error, because the endocannabinoid system is complex, and so there is no one-size-fits-all approach to giving it the cannabinoids that it wants.

Final Thoughts

The endocannabinoid system is an absolutely fascinating mechanism within the body that may be capable of managing a lot of crucial functions that we perform in order to maintain good overall health. Therefore, supporting the endocannabinoid system with CBD may be something worth looking into, whether for you or for your precious pet. Just make sure that you keep in mind the differences between CBD products for pets and for humans so that you can maintain the proper potency level for better results.



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