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Is CBD Oil a New Way to Help keep Your Pet’s Weight in Check?


It goes without saying that any pet owner who loves their precious companion would go above and beyond to ensure that they are as healthy and happy as possible while in our care. But we know that our furry friends can’t verbalize to us that they’re not feeling their best. And so, our job as pet owners is to pay attention to all of the indicators of health, while doing everything we can to maintain a healthy diet, adequate exercise, and a lack of stress in their lives.

One of the major indicators of a pet’s overall health is their weight. The reality is that a pet’s weight is critical in determining how well their bodies are functioning overall. Both overweight and underweight pets are at disadvantages which can lead to serious health complications later on in life.

There are various reasons why a pet may gain or lose an unusual amount of weight, ranging from emotional distress to an underlying physical condition that is totally unrelated to diet. The key is knowing when to seek out help from a veterinarian, as well as how to maintain a healthy weight as much as possible through diet and exercise.

Today, we’ll be talking about CBD’s potential role in managing your pet’s weight. You might be surprised by how many vets are recommending hemp oil to their furry patients.

Your Pet’s Weight and Their Overall Health

Pet owners are responsible for regularly weighing their pets to ensure that they are within the healthy range for their species and breed. Sometimes, weight change is so gradual that a pet owner will not notice until the pet’s health is already in jeopardy. Weighing your pet once a month or so is typically considered adequate.

The reason why weight is so important is that a wide range of serious health issues can arise if a pet’s weight is not ideal. Overweight pets are at high risk of heart disease, diabetes, and other potentially life-threatening issues. Beyond that, overweight pets are prone to depression as they lose their ability to be active, as their instincts require. Cats and dogs need to be able to run around and play, as it mimics the process of hunting for prey. This keeps them mentally healthy as much as physically healthy.

Overweight Pets

Pets who are overweight may simply be eating too much food. Many pet owners overindulge their pets without realizing that cats and dogs are opportunistic feeders who have a tendency to eat whatever is put in front of them, even when they are not hungry, out of a strong survival instinct. But a pet who is overweight may be dealing with an underlying issue such as a problem with their thyroid, which causes them to develop a slow metabolism.

Also, many pet owners unknowingly feed their pets food that’s ultimately inappropriate for their species. For instance, many human foods simply aren’t meant to be consumed by cats and dogs.

Underweight Pets

Pets who are underweight are equally at risk of developing serious ailments. Underweight pets do not have enough nutrients and calories to sustain them, and so their bodily systems may become severely compromised. A pet who is underweight is also at risk of developing bone problems which can interfere with their ability to stay active.

A pet who is underweight may simply not be eating enough. A pet owner must make sure that they are feeding their pet the appropriate amount for their breed. They must also watch their pet to make sure that he or she eats the full amount of food that they are given on a daily basis. A pet who refuses food could be dealing with dental problems, digestive problems, stress, or another issue that is disrupting their appetite.

Also, there are various underlying conditions that can cause a pet to lose weight. A particularly dangerous one is kidney disease, which affects cats more than dogs, and is uniquely common.

When to Seek the Advice of a Veterinarian

If you are concerned that your pet is either losing or gaining too much weight, it’s always a good idea to visit the veterinarian as soon as possible. Because weight issues can be caused by a wide range of conditions, a vet must rule out potentially serious ones that could cause major damage within a short time frame. Further, your vet will be able to help you come up with the right feeding plan based on their years of training. If your pet is overweight, for example, your instinct may be to give them less food. But, how much they are eating may not be the cause for the issue, and so you may be doing more harm than good. This is why a vet is always the one to go to if you’re noticing these kinds of changes.

What CBD May Do for Weight Management

We now know that our pets use cannabinoids like CBD in the same way that we do. They have endocannabinoid systems that behave identically to ours, as all mammals share this system in the body. This means that when you give a pet CBD, it can produce the same effects that it does in humans. It’s also equally nontoxic to our pets.

CBD, being a cannabinoid, promotes positive regulatory actions throughout the body by binding with strategically located cannabinoid receptors in each bodily system. One function CBD may be able to regulate is appetite, and by regulate, we mean balance so that appetite functions properly. This means that if your pet is an overeater or doesn’t eat enough, CBD may help get them back on track.

Equally fascinating is a study showing that cannabidiol plays a role in fat storage in the body. It may help transform white adipose tissue into brown adipose tissue, which is a process that breaks down fat so that it metabolizes properly rather than getting stored. This could be promising for a pet who is struggling to lose weight.

How to Start Your Pet on a CBD Oil Regimen for Weight-Related Issues

It’s crucial that you get approval from your vet prior to giving your pet CBD oil. It’s equally imperative that you find a CBD oil made specifically for pets, and that you give them the dosage that’s suggested for their body weight. We suggest giving them CBD daily for the best results, so that the effects can accumulate in the body.

CBD oil may be able to help support your pet’s weight, according to various studies cited above. To ensure that your pet is the most likely to have a successful experience with hemp, speak to your vet once again, and then from there, try to find a product that’s ideal for their unique body.



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